Ho! Ho! Ho! I hope everyone is enjoying a fun and festive holiday! This morning Malki helped us celebrate Christmas with her traditional shredding of paper as we opened presents. And many presents there were, wonderful items from our closest relations and friends. But this year our family received a unique and unexpected gift…
Meet “Holli”. Holli was hit by a car a few days before Christmas after a rainstorm that caused havoc on streets funneling hundreds of shoppers. When my girlfriend Donna and I saw her frantic little body zigzagging through busy traffic several cars ahead, we immediately shot into rescue mode, cutting lanes to follow the pup into a nearby neighborhood. Lost and frightened, the little brown dog ran almost a mile until she hit a dead end—a fence framed by two block walls. There, she dove into a stand of wet Oleanders and sat trembling in the mud.
Her feet were bloodied. Hot breaths of exhaustion puffed to clouds around her face and wide eyes held unyielding distrust. I approached slowly, sideways. Diverting my eyes to avoid direct contact, I mumbled words of encouragement until I could loop a leash around her neck. At last, employing a soft blanket and a good dose of patience, I was able to wrap her cold, shaking frame and carry her to my car. Luckily she was not badly injured, just a few bumps and bruises, broken nails and scraped toe pads. Yet, with no tags or microchip we could not return her to her family. We posted hopeful notices in every appropriate location but nobody has called.
That evening I brought her home, fed her and slept on the laundry room floor holding her in my arms. Kevin and Malki have opened their hearts, too. They have made Holli feel welcome in our home and she is recovering well. So for now she is safe and dry and warm, bringing her own mark of sweetness to our home and reminding us of the season’s most important blessings—a soft bed, a full belly and at least one person who holds you dear.
Here’s wishing you all a very special Holli-day!
P.S. Remember, I will be blogging from Costa Rica in January; please join me for the journey.