My treasured friend Tony Subia just surprised me with this 3-minute video that he created using elements from my website:
I first worked with SubiaCreative ( when I was eighteen years old. I soon met Tony and his family—gorgeous wife Ruby, their great kids Patty, Kenny and Tanya (who are close to me in age), and subsequently all the grandchildren who came into the fold one precious birth at a time.
What connects us with certain people for a lifetime? I don’t know. But the Subias have been in my heart ever since and I love them like family! Together through the years we have watched children grow (little Brittney is a new Phoenix Suns Dancer …jobs change … skin age. We have shared holidays’ joy and tragedies’ tears. We are forever linked.
Tony and I are especially close. He is a trusted friend and father-figure, who I’ve always turned to for advice during major life decisions, and his insight and support have undoubtedly shaped me. Professionally, Tony is a marketing genius. For over thirty years he has been an ally to clients trying to share company messages in an ever-changing American culture. Nowadays he focuses his creative mind and savvy business sense on developing websites about beautiful and interesting destinations; he opens windows to the world. He has taken Internet browsers to Sedona, La Jolla and Orlando. And now he’s taken my goofy mug to YouTube!
If your reading this, Tony (and I hope you are), thanks for the super cool video! But most of all, thanks for believing in me.
If you like to travel as I do, here are some of Tony’s top-rated websites: