Kevin and I are always looking for ways to eat more healthfully, so we recently became members in a CSA called Desert Roots Farm ( CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture—members own “shares” in seasonal crops and receive produce direct from the farmer. Now, every Tuesday, we have a giant brown bag of ultra-fresh, organic veggies delivered right to our door. The cost turned out to be less than we’d pay in the grocery store and, since all the food is locally grown and still plump with right-from-the-ground goodness, the flavors are decidedly yummier!
Of course I like the idea of buying from small traditional farmers but it also feels great to be taking another step for conservation. By supporting a farm that employs organic practices, we help keeps tons of pesticides out of ground water. And since that farm is nearby, we help eliminate tons of CO2 that would be piped into the air from trucks transporting food across country.
There are CSA farms in every state. If you want to eat better—live greener—you might consider joining one. We became members online and the process was quick and simple. Here’s a helpful website to learn more about CSAs and find one nearby:
Actually, one of the very best things about a weekly delivery from Desert Roots is… well, it’s the SURPRISE! I never know what my brown bag will hold and we have discovered some delightful new varieties of vegetables. I never know if I will get a butternut squash or a beautiful eggplant, some bok choy or asian cucumbers—but I do know whatever I unpack will be fresh, seasonal, delicious and, best of all, “green”.
Happy eating!