Author Archives: admin

GOLFO DULCE 2011, PART 3: Rub-a-dub-dub, a Toy Boat in the Tub

Jorge and I wasted no time getting out on the water in our miniture-sized boat, newly named Caja de Fósforos, and that first day had a coming-home feeling. The Gulf was just as I remembered it and I found myself delighting … Continue reading

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GOLFO DULCE 2011, PART 2: Another Year, Another Broken Boat

The 50 hp motor we needed to push our 19-foot Raya was on the fritz. The gear box was shot. Having just arrived to discover the fact, I put on my best no-worries-every-problem-has-a-solution smile  and sat with Mike to explore my options—none … Continue reading

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GOLFO DULCE 2011, PART 1: One Ticket to Paradise

I arrived in Puerto Jiménez, Costa Rica on a perfect Sunday morning after curving down out of the clouds and sweeping over my beloved Golfo Dulce. Stepping onto the tarmac, a twinkle of birdsong rushed from the green forest to greet me and a … Continue reading

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BROOKE’S TRAVEL TIPS: Homemade Instant Oatmeal—Just Add Water

I’m not a big breakfast person but I know it’s an important meal. So when I’m out-of-town, I always try to eat something small but nutritious, especially if I’ll be driving cross-country, working outside or heading into an all-day event. Instant oatmeal was a … Continue reading

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BROOKE’S TRAVEL TIPS: Register with the Embassy

I went to Kenya many moons ago, when Kenya was safe for tourists. Things have changed. Because of swings in politics and economies, it’s vital that you have access to international travel information when planning a trip abroad. While certain … Continue reading

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BROOKE’S TRAVEL TIPS: Make a Reusable Packing Checklist

It’s a dash to the airport! Pausing in the driveway, you do a last-minute mental rundown of the stuff  you should have packed. T-shirts—check. Sandals—check. Shampoo, toothbrush, shaver—check, check, check. And off you go! Only later you discover you’ve forgotten your camera. An … Continue reading

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BROOKE’S TRAVEL TIPS: Don’t Forget the Grapefruit Seed Extract

There’s nothing worse than getting sick when you’re out of town! Away from home, an upset stomach becomes a ball and chain; the aches and pains of a common cold feel more like the flu. We all know germs lurk in crowded … Continue reading

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BROOKE’S TRAVEL TIPS: Wear a Wrist Wallet

As I prepare for my July departure to Costa Rica, the floor is a colorful sea of clothes and supplies awaiting the duffle. Perhaps you too are packing for a summer adventure. After all, this is the season for family … Continue reading

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2nd Annual Authors for Earth Day Brings Conservation Contributions to Over $10K!

If you have followed me for awhile, you know how much work I have put into creating the national Authors for Earth Day coalition. You may remember when we launched the A4ED website in 2009. You may also remember my 2010 A4ED … Continue reading

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Native Australia: Our First Trip Down Under

Kevin and I recently returned from Australia. During our two-week sojourn, we stayed along the eastern seaboard, first in Sydney, then Cairns, then Melbourne. We visited spectacular nature preserves, including the Daintree Rainforest and Phillip Island. We dove the Great Barrier Reef. … Continue reading

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